If your business falls in any of the below categories, OrangePass will be a fantastic way to innovate, stay safe and get the most out of your patrons.
- Personal Trainers
- School Gymnasium + sporting recreational activities
- Private Gymnasiums
- Sporting Gymnasiums or community centres
- Hotel Gymnasiums
- Apartment Complex Gymnasiums
It was found out that this person actually had extensive physical problems with her knees from participating in various sports over the years but the personal trainer didn’t ask about the details she filled out in her form about prior health conditions. He just collected the forms and went ahead with the class.
OrangePass would have helped both the class participants and trainer at the gym to determine prior health conditions, log the data and furthermore made sure that everyone was comfortable performing the demonstrated activities they would be doing in the class. The trainer would then be able to extract the answers the patrons filled out and even altered the exercise class to fit the ability of those attending the class if they had previous injuries.
- Café
- Restaurant
- Bars
- Lounges
- Clubs
OrangePass can help food and beverage venues who have repeat customers. Once a patron fills out the form once, all they will have to do is re-scan their phone and all of the contact information is logged so they can simply scan in once.
Furthermore, OrangePass is more private for your patrons. Only owners of the business will be able to access patron information from the backend so people can be sure that their email and phone number isn’t shared with staff or other customers.
- Commercial building + construction work sites
- Residential building sites
OrangePass can be accessed on any smartphone, providing all workers with the ability to use their own device to sign in. Workers simply scan the QR code at the site, fill out their details once and can re-enter the site everyday having accepted the rules and regulations of that given location.
Furthermore, OrangePass makes your daily induction easy! Attendance is recorded, safety precautions can be asked of the workers and all contact information is recorded in the data hub shall you need to review this in the future.
Workers do not need to provide a written signature, but rather click accept on the general rules and induction and they are good to begin work.
- Indoor and outdoor concert venues
- Media sets or off site location (Film/ TV)
- Offices + Co-working spaces.
- Loading docks + delivery operations
- Warehouses + long term storage facilities
- Hospitals + doctors clinics
- Golf Courses, gaming venues
- On off conferences
- Apartment Buildings
In offices and co-working spaces, there is a lot of foot traffic. With new safety and health measures, some offices have introduced QR code systems to record the workers and visitors who are entering the office space, however painfully these workers have to sign in with all of their contact information daily, making the registration process too long and ultimately making people late for work and meetings.
OrangePass can help offices be more efficient using the repeat user function. Once a worker fills out the form once, all they will have to do is re-scan their phone upon entry and all of the contact information is already inputted into the data hub.
OrangePass is a cleaner, more efficient way of signing in and making sure everyone in your office is accounted for and works particularly well for those who employ casual staff. Businesses can include COVID 19 safety measures in the rules section and additionally ask all people entering the office if they feel healthy. Should something happen at your office, you can always check the backend data hub to see who was at your office on that day and take measures to sort this out.
Furthermore, OrangePass is more private for your clients than other registration processes available. Only owners of the business will be able to access client information from the backend so people visiting your office cannot see who has previously been there, unlike a paper log book for example.